Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Scared. Like, really scared.

So, with my impending graduation and acceptance of a new job in a new state, I've kind of been freaking out.

It didn’t really hit me until I looked at my graduation cap the other day. I got through purchasing the cap and gown, I got through trying it on, I got through ordering my announcements and I got through the job interview, offer and acceptance without missing a beat.

It was difficult, however, when I was cleaning my room and took my cap out of the bag.

I started thinking about how real this is. I’m going to be a REAL adult. I’m going to have a REAL job, have a REAL apartment, and REALLY be out on my own.

This place I live, won’t be a place where I have to pick up and leave within a year, like my dorms and my parent’s houses. I’ll actually be able to put things on the walls, put the plates in the cabinet I want and choose the place I want to live.

It’s so weird and I’m really freaking out.

It’s real. And not kinda real. But real real. I’m really leaving my family and friends – probably for good. And I’m really going to be out on my own. Like, my OWN own.

I’m scared.

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I know, I know

I know it's been a really long time between posts, and I'm very sorry about that.

However, there has been a lot going on in my life - hence: my excuse.

I started my job at Weekly News just over a month ago. I like it, kind of. It's community journalism and it's a weekly newspaper, but as far as those go, I guess it's good. I can pretty much do whatever I want and work as much or as little as I want. So whatever.

The BIG NEWS, however, is my new job ... in NEW YORK.

Don't get too excited, it's not in NYC, it's in upstate NY. We'll call it Daily News.

I'm REALLY exicted about this job. I went a few weeks ago for the interview and LOVED it. I loved the area, I loved the people, I loved the job!

It's been kind of a whirlwind since then with the offer then the acceptance and now trying to find an apartment. That has been the real trouble. The housing market there is HORRIBLE with all of the GI's living in town (it's near a base WOO HOO).

I'll be going there next weekend to look at apartments. So I'm really excited. Also scared. But more about that later.

So for now, there's the update. I'm sorry I haven't written in ages! i plan to fix that ASAP!!!

Love Ya's!

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