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Scared. Like, really scared.

So, with my impending graduation and acceptance of a new job in a new state, I've kind of been freaking out.

It didn’t really hit me until I looked at my graduation cap the other day. I got through purchasing the cap and gown, I got through trying it on, I got through ordering my announcements and I got through the job interview, offer and acceptance without missing a beat.

It was difficult, however, when I was cleaning my room and took my cap out of the bag.

I started thinking about how real this is. I’m going to be a REAL adult. I’m going to have a REAL job, have a REAL apartment, and REALLY be out on my own.

This place I live, won’t be a place where I have to pick up and leave within a year, like my dorms and my parent’s houses. I’ll actually be able to put things on the walls, put the plates in the cabinet I want and choose the place I want to live.

It’s so weird and I’m really freaking out.

It’s real. And not kinda real. But real real. I’m really leaving my family and friends – probably for good. And I’m really going to be out on my own. Like, my OWN own.

I’m scared.

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