Thursday, February 22, 2007

Movies as an interactive experience

When did going to the movies become an interactive experience?

Over the last few months I've seen a few movies at various theaters. One thing that transends genres, theaters or number of other spectators in the seats is that each movie I've attended in the last three to four months has seemed like we're at a baseball game.

People yelling at the screen, telling the antagonist where to turn or what to do or which guy to call. Spectators predicting what's going to happen next. Just general side conversations. These are the things that have been ruining my theater experiences.

My question is: when did it become culturaly acceptable for people to do this in a public movie theater? I remember when I was a child, if I were to talk with a friend while the movie was playing, an old woman or two in the front row would turn around and "sush" me with a scowl on her face.

When did people stop "sushing" those who are annoyingly loud movie disturbers at my cinematic adventures (credit: Dane Cook)?

It's time for people to shut up and let the rest of us enjoy our movie-going experiences once again. It's time to restore the shame and humility of getting "sushed" by the old ladies so much that people will never speak in a movie theater AGAIN!

So...shut up and enjoy the movie. I know I will once you SHUT UP!!!

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Job update

Warning: a lot of capitalization lies ahead.

I. Got. The. Job. WOOO!!!

I'm really excited - I got the job at Weekly News. It's not the best job in the world, but I'll get to write and I'll be getting PAID!! I think that's what I'm the most excited about. I'll FINALLY be able to save up some money for my NYC/Boston trip in May!!!

Anyway, I just found out about the job Monday, so Tuesday I went into Weekly Student Newspaper and had to announce to my co-workers, who are also some of my best friends that this week would be my last.

Since we go to press Tuesdays, it was really sad to be there Tuesday night knowing that it would be my last issue as Editor in Chief at this newspaper EVER! It was really hard because the people there are so amazing and we have the BEST time. They are my best friends, and I realize that I may never have that much of a good time at any job ever again.

And to top that off, I'm having controll issues! I realized Tuesday that I may never be the Editor in Chief of ANYTHING EVER AGAIN - and that really freaks me out! I didn't so much love my job and all of it's details, but I loved the people and, more so, I loved being in control. Now I'm going to Weekly News where I'll be the rookie and have almost no control.

On top of that, the editor that's taking over has been absent. He left early Tuesday night (because he "felt sick") and he didn't come to a meeting Wednesday (because he got called into his dad's business to do some work). This really freaks me out. I ran a tight ship at Weekly Student Newspaper. I had a lot of fun, but people were expected to be there and were expected to do their jobs. Now the new editor isn't even doing his job, so how is anyone else going to do theirs and how is the newspaper going to survive.

I'd like to have faith in New Editor's capabilities, but it's hard when he pulls this crap and then I get confronted by 6 or 7 people at the paper saying "K, we're really nervous about New Editor taking over. There's not going to be a paper!"

I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. All of these issues are so up in the air that it's unsettling - but REALLY exciting. I'm really happy!!

Oh, and we're having a bar night Friday with all of my friends and co-workers. I can't wait! ONE LAST HOORAH!

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Job situation

I had a job interview at, ohhhhh we'll call it, Weekly News yesterday. This interview was after I had a preliminary interview at Weekly News' sister paper and the publisher told me I would probably be better at Weekly News because of scheduling with their meetings and my classes and other details that you guys don't need to know.

Either way, I went to the interview, where one of my former employees works and recommended me and I pretty much nailed it. The editor, who interviewed me, was quite awkward and didn't really know how to interview people, but I think I did a good job and at the end he told me that "I'll call the publisher today and let them know that I am recommending bringing you on staff immediatly."

So basically, I just need the publisher to okay me ... which seems like they pretty much have because they wanted me to go to Weekly News because of my schedule ... and I will have a new job.

I'm really nervous and, to tell you to the truth, I think I'm on the brink of having an anxiety attack. I've never had one, but I feel really strange when I think about it.

I'm anxious because I'll have to leave Weekly Student Newspaper (I forget what I've called it in the past), where I am currently the editor. This means I'll have to tell the adviser ASAP, help her and the board choose a new editor in chief, train the new editor in chief and say goodbye to all my friends there.

It'll be really sad because I love the people at the newspaper, but I know that I have to take this job. First of all, it's a paying job. Second of all, I need to be writing - which I'm not doing right now. I basically hate my job right now, but I'm there because I'm really the only one who can do it and I love the people.

But I need to move on. And I know this. It'll just cause a rukus and bring about a lot of change...which makes me nervous.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

I usually start a post off with a title. Today, I can't think of one.

I have so many emotions going through my mind and so many things to update about. But, my predictament is that I hate being one of those bloggers who simply updates about their lives.

Part of my life is revolving around stress. I get up, I work hard and I go to bed. Then I get up the next day and start it all over again. My problem is that I'm working TOO hard. I'm doing all that I can every day to get the work that needs to get done, done, and to make the people to need to be happy, happy. Except for me.

Although, I seem to be really happy right now. I don't know why. Maybe it's a false sense of happiness created by the lack of downtime and the perception that I'm loved because people are demanding so much of me.

How fucked up is that?

Either way - I do know this: I'm stressed out, but I'm happy - I think.

I have a job interview at another weekly newspaper Wednesday. Things didn't work out at the first weekly because the publisher didn't like the fact that I have a tuesday morning class when tuesday is their busiest days and there are only two people to put the whole paper together. But the publisher suggested I go to one of their sister weeklies because they have a bigger staff and it would be easier for me to get there a little later in the day.

I've made the decision that I will take the job if they offer it to me - and I'm really happy with that decision. I'm just waiting to see what happens Wednesday. I'll keep you posted.

In other news, men are just making me bitter lately. They're constantly letting me down (especially Mr. Inviting), and constantly being jerk-offs.

No valentine for me - HOORAY. I think I'm too bitter right now to truely embrace the meaning of having a valentine, anyway.

More later - I need sleep right now.

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