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Job situation

I had a job interview at, ohhhhh we'll call it, Weekly News yesterday. This interview was after I had a preliminary interview at Weekly News' sister paper and the publisher told me I would probably be better at Weekly News because of scheduling with their meetings and my classes and other details that you guys don't need to know.

Either way, I went to the interview, where one of my former employees works and recommended me and I pretty much nailed it. The editor, who interviewed me, was quite awkward and didn't really know how to interview people, but I think I did a good job and at the end he told me that "I'll call the publisher today and let them know that I am recommending bringing you on staff immediatly."

So basically, I just need the publisher to okay me ... which seems like they pretty much have because they wanted me to go to Weekly News because of my schedule ... and I will have a new job.

I'm really nervous and, to tell you to the truth, I think I'm on the brink of having an anxiety attack. I've never had one, but I feel really strange when I think about it.

I'm anxious because I'll have to leave Weekly Student Newspaper (I forget what I've called it in the past), where I am currently the editor. This means I'll have to tell the adviser ASAP, help her and the board choose a new editor in chief, train the new editor in chief and say goodbye to all my friends there.

It'll be really sad because I love the people at the newspaper, but I know that I have to take this job. First of all, it's a paying job. Second of all, I need to be writing - which I'm not doing right now. I basically hate my job right now, but I'm there because I'm really the only one who can do it and I love the people.

But I need to move on. And I know this. It'll just cause a rukus and bring about a lot of change...which makes me nervous.

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