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The art of being single...

I've been thinking a lot about being single lately. What the fuck is the big deal? I'm 22 years old. I don't have a husband, or a fiance, or a boyfriend. So what? Why is it that every time I see someone that I haven't seen in a while they ask me if I'm tied down yet? I feel like telling them, "SHIT NO I'M NOT TIED DOWN YET, I'M ONLY 22!!!"

I was watching "Must Love Dogs" the other day, and it was just ASTOUNDING how everyone in the movie was trying to hook Dianne Lane's character up. "I have this guy you should meet."
"There's this guy in my office who just got divorced, you should call him."
"Why aren't you dating?"
"You're so pretty, you should be dating someone. I have a cousin I can introduce you to."

I felt like vomiting. What's so wrong with being single for a while? Don't get me wrong, I want to fall in love, get married and start a family with the man of my dreams someday. Deep down, I'm a hopeless romantic. But right now...I am having a DAMN good time being single.

I love going out with my friends and not being tied down. I love dancing, flirting, kissing and playing with any guy I choose. I love being single. I am WAYYY to busy right now to keep up with a relationship, and when I do have time to play, I like doing it with random guys who I know won't call me the next day.

Here's my little memo to the world and the people who think 22 is the right age for me to get married:

#1. I'm young. TOO young to get married.
#2. Right now, I'm focusing on myself, getting through school, and starting my career. #3. I love being single.

I will be in a relationship when I am damn well ready to be...get over it.