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Feel so free...

This week has be wonderful. I started classes last week (on Wednesday), so now I'm going to school full time and working 2 (but really like three) jobs. But I love it.

My classes are INSANE! I've haven't had this much of a workload since I started school (way back when), but I love the subject matter and the people in my clases.

I have two political science classes (International Terrorism and Comparitave Politics) and two journalism classes (publick affairs reporting and media law). I'm learning so much about things that I love!

Plus that, I love my jobs and I love being busy.

In addition, I feel like in a year (or even six months)from now, I could be in a completely different place both geographically and emotionally. I just realized how much I've accomplished in the last year and how much I have going for me that, in fact, I could be ANYWHERE in a year. That both scares the shit out of me and excites me.

I love being in new places. I love exploring and seeing new things and learning new things. I get bored easily, so in part it's great that I'll probably be somewhere else in a year.

But also, I'm scared that I won't be good enough. I'm scared to leave my mom and Michigan for good. When I went to Northern I was happy to be out of the house but I also knew that home was home and I could come back to my room whenever I wanted. When I move next time, they'll probably turn my room into something crazy and home will never be home again.

But I am excited to make my own home. I think I'm more excited about that than anything else.

So those have been the feelings of the week. I'm so happy right now. I can't stress how much I love being busy and love having things to do all day every day. I thrive on stress. For instance, today I had class from 8-9 a.m. I work at the automotive place from 9:30-5, go home to eat for an hour or so, then work at the press (sports) from 7-midnight. I LOVE IT!!

Yuck, I do NOT like doing school full time and having two jobs. I need my veg time.

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