Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Old and scared.

God I feel old. Old and scared. Old because I just had a birthday. Scared because there is a mouse in my house. Both occurred on the same day.
I had a small get-together of friends/co-workers for the celebration of my decent into time. It was fun. We sat around and drank playing cards and various other board and card games. We laughed and had a good time until around 2 a.m. when there was only four of us (humans) left. We were sitting around the kitchen table talking when a co-worker (we’ll call him Gossip Queen – even though he’s straight and engaged, he’s still a queen) said, “you know you have a mouse? Seriously, it just scampered across your kitchen floor.”
So I screamed and asked the men to kindly help me find and dispose of the mouse. They couldn’t find it. I thought it disappeared back into the cellar, where it came from. I didn’t see it or hear from it again. I thought it was gone.
I decided to get a few mouse traps just in case. Because, you know, I don’t want to be sleeping and have that creepy thing crawl on me and poop in my mouth!!
So I set the traps with peanut butter and waited. I went back into the kitchen and saw the trap had been moved, the peanut butter semi-eaten – yet, no mickey mouse in the trapy-trap.
So I’m scared. I got a few more different kind of traps today to see if Modest Mouse will trigger them. So we’ll see if that works.
Right now…I’m just feeling scared …and old.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sex and the city?

I was at the bar the other night and ordered a "Sex and the city" martini. I started thinking about the show and about my life.

I just recently started watching the show. I had heard from my friends that it was great and I just had to see it. Recently, every time I'd sit down to watch TV for a bit before bed, it just happend to be on TBS. So I started watching the show, and now I'm DVR'ing them so I can watch it in my spare time. I like the show; it's very entertaining.

But I often find myself thinking that my life is NOTHING like the show. I'm a young, fairly attractive, single, 20-something. Is my life supposed to be like that? Am I supposed to be entertaining a gentleman every night? Am I supposed to be going out to bars night in and night out like a desperate woman looking for a man?

Maybe that's my problem. I don't go out that often - I try to make it once every (or every other) week. But is that enough? Would that get me laid more often? Would that find me a suitable man to settle down with? Maybe.

But should it be like that? I don't know. Maybe it's just me but I think that looks desperate - which I'm not. I'm cool with being single. Obviously I'd like to share my life with someone, but it's not a requisite in my life.

Maybe I should try going out 3-5 times per week to see if that'll make my life complete.

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Adult-ish beginnings

First of all let me just say this is the most annoyingly stupid cast of Wheel of Fortune players I have EVER seen.

Sorry, that was just bugging the holy beejesus out of me.

So here I am. Relaxing. After a long day of work. Sipping a glass of red wine. Eating my healthy chicken dinner on the couch. Watching the Wheel. Feeling like an adult(ish).

I just remember what couldn't be more than three months ago. Me wishing and hoping and praying for a "big girl job." Waiting for the day I can move out of my parent's basement and make a home and a name for myself in a place where no one knows my name (permission granted to humm "Boston" - if you know what I'm talking about here, I applaud you).

Now. My dreams, well, almost all of them, have been realized.

I am on my own. Dealing with a landlord I can't stand. Putting things like steak knives and Lawry's seasoning salt on my shopping list. Needing to go to the bank to open a checking account so I can pay bills. Putting Mylar numbers on my mailbox. Stopping at the liquor store after work to get wine (and not getting carded by the way).

I also remember a time not too long ago when I looked at some of my favorite bloggers and thought to myself, "I'd like a life like them. To be able to sip wine while watching whatever you want on TV after getting in from a date your mother doesn't have to know about while blogging on your bed. That sounds like the life for me."

It's now that I realize I am like that. And it's just as glamorous as previously expected. Well, maybe not COMPLETELY as glamorous as expected ... but close.

I feel like such an adult. I called Long Time Friend back in Michigan just to talk about this. She concurred that we are growing up and it's scary as hell ... but also damn exciting.

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

New experience

In addition to having a new residence and a new job and a handful of other new experiences, today I had my very first laundromat experience EVER.

In addition to everything else that needs to be finished in my apartment, my landlord has yet to put the washer/dryer hookup in my basement. Hence, I had to use the laundromat.

At the beginning, I was extremely intimidated. On my way, I almost turned around and told myself I would do my laundry on a weeknight so there wouldn't be as many people there. But I stayed. When I got there, I noticed that in the midst of my nervousness, I forgot my laundry detergent and softener. I thought, oh no, this is horrible, I have to go home. But I guickly noticed the machines that sold individual portions of soap and softener. So I stayed.

After I got my change and got my clothes in the washer I sat down and started reading my novel I had brought along. It was then that I relaxed. Then I noticed that the laundromat wasn't so bad. The people minded their own business, and it was large enough that I didn't have to fight for machines, and it was alright.

I lived. And I think I'll grow to love the relaxing time that I spend at the laundromat ... that is, until my landlord gets off his ass and puts in the hookup.

Hello New York

Well, here I am. I finally started my first real job and moved into my first apartment by myself.

It's been quite a haul and quite a bit of a disaster getting here, but now that I'm here, I love it.

My landlord promised my apartment would be done by the time I moved in because he had gutted the entire house to almost everything completely new. I continuously told him when I would be here and he still promised me, with the date quickly approaching, that it would be done.

When we (read: my mother, my stepfather, my sister and my self) arrived there was nothing more than walls up and a few light fixtures. There was no kitchen, no bathroom, no flooring ... nothing.

So we complained a lot and he made more empty promises and after a week in a hotel, which had the most uncomfortable beds, I finally spent my first night in my very own apartment.