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New experience

In addition to having a new residence and a new job and a handful of other new experiences, today I had my very first laundromat experience EVER.

In addition to everything else that needs to be finished in my apartment, my landlord has yet to put the washer/dryer hookup in my basement. Hence, I had to use the laundromat.

At the beginning, I was extremely intimidated. On my way, I almost turned around and told myself I would do my laundry on a weeknight so there wouldn't be as many people there. But I stayed. When I got there, I noticed that in the midst of my nervousness, I forgot my laundry detergent and softener. I thought, oh no, this is horrible, I have to go home. But I guickly noticed the machines that sold individual portions of soap and softener. So I stayed.

After I got my change and got my clothes in the washer I sat down and started reading my novel I had brought along. It was then that I relaxed. Then I noticed that the laundromat wasn't so bad. The people minded their own business, and it was large enough that I didn't have to fight for machines, and it was alright.

I lived. And I think I'll grow to love the relaxing time that I spend at the laundromat ... that is, until my landlord gets off his ass and puts in the hookup.