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Blogs, lying, secrets .... A New Year's resolution

For my avid readers, all one of you, I have updated my blogroll. I think there are some really entertaining blogs on there and urge you all to check them out.

Speaking of other blogs. Do you guys know Post Secret? Everyone in my life loves Post Secret (if you haven't heard of it, check out the link). The thing is, no one talks about it. Here's an example of how the conversation goes most of the time:

Me: Have you visited Post Secret?
Other person: Oh yeah, I love that Web site.
Me: Yeah, some of the things are crazy, but a lot of them make me cry
OP: Yeah, totally.

Here's how the conversation should, really, go:

Me: Have you visited Post Secret?
OP: Oh yeah, I love it.
Me: Do you have any secrets like the ones on there?
OP: Yeah, I've really been wanting to tell someone and it's been tearing me up inside.
Me: Oh wow. My secret is:

But is that the way it ever goes? No. And I'm just as guilty of everyone else.

But here is the real question: Why are people so afraid to let people see the real, truthful, naked (well, not really naked, but bare) selves? Why is it so hard? Why do we keep secrets and why do we lie? We do it to make ourselves look better and cooler.

Oh yeah, I totally hooked up with her.
or I'm afraid to tell him I love him.
or Yeah, I'm cool, I'm going to this totally hip party this weekend. I hear Jo Lo is gonna stop by.

Why? Firstly, do we seriously think people believe us? We know you didn't hook up with her, we know you love him, and we know all your doing this weekend is sitting on your lazy ass. Why do we bother?

Does thinking that other people think we're cool make us feel better about ourselves? In that case, it's more of lying to ourselves, and I don't know about you guys, but I know I'm not half as cool as I try to get people to think and I don't want to pretend anymore.

My New Year's resolution is to stop lying/keeping secrets about myself. Little white lies (no buddy, you haven't gained 10 pounds) are alright. But this year, I won't lie to anyone or keep important things from people just to make them think of me differently.