Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Online dating update

So we all know I've recently renewed my subscription to Match.com. During my first three-month stink on Match, I had e-mails every day, winks coming out of my ears and many interesting bachelors awaiting my response to their often awkwardly-worded e-mails.

However, this time around, I've only had a few e-mails a handful of winks and a few interesting bachelors. Maybe this is a time when relationships are running rampant, being just before Valentines Day. Or maybe it's just me. Either way, I don't know.

What I do know, is that I've met someone very promising. He is a nursing grad student at the same school at which I attend, although he doesn't regularly attend courses here because he does most of his work at the hospital. He's funning, and charming, attentive and, did I say, charming?

He can hold my attention and he remembers everything I tell him. He asks questions about details of my life and myself because he's genuinely interested - not because he's a crazy stalker type.

He's adventurous and caring, and I really want to meet him.

Out of everyone I have met online, he's the only one I really have wanted to meet. There have been others from Match or from Myspace (during my brief time on the site), but none of them have had me wanting to meet them more than this fellow.

We've talked almost everyday since last Wednesday and have come close to meeting once - he wanted to meet me at the bar that I was going to be with with my friends, but he had to study.

Anyway, I just thought I would update this. I like him - a lot I think - so I just wanted to share.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

I just came across this and, even though I've heard/read a lot of stuff like it in the past, I really like it and it really hit me in an unsuspecting way.

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

Fun little ditty

(* though X seems to be missing)

I haven't been tagged by anyone, but I just thought it would be fun.

A- available? Yes, I am. And I'm currently liking it more than I thought I would.
B- best friend? It's between Mr. Inviting and High School Friend.
C- cake or pie? Pie, the fruitier the better.
D- drink of choice? Non-alcoholic: water or coke Alcoholic:Margarita.
E- essential item I use every day: Obvious? Hair brush Not-so-obvious: Reporters notebook
F- favorite color? Blue
G- gummy bears or gummy worms? Worms, I haven't had them in sooo long.
I- indulgence? Hummm...this is a tough one. Books and purses are probably tied on the list.
J- January. There's just something about the New Year
K- kids and names: (Potential kids names:) I'm not completely sure, I just know that it would by ideal to have my girls share the middle name of Elizabeth (after my sister) and my boys share the middle name of Dylan (after no one, I just like the name)
L- life is incomplete without? The News. I can't go more than an hour or two without turning on CNN, looking at MSNBC.com or checking my RSS feed on my cell phone.
M- marriage date: HA! I'm not in too big of a hurry. I don't really care when just as long as it's right.
N- number of siblings: Three: Jay, 36, Kacey, 33 and Erin (Elizabeth), 17.
O- oranges or apples? I love oranges even though the citrus often gives me canker (sp?) sores.
P- phobias or fears? Fear of failure and birds
Q- favorite quote? "Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response"
R- reasons to smile? I love my life at this point. I love being the editor of Weekly Newspaper and I love the prospects of where my life may go.
S- season? Fall.
T- tag: NotCarrie
U- unknown fact about me: I have unreal amounts of anxiety and tension going through my head at all times
V- vegetable you don't like: hummm...I'm not generally a vegetable person, but I really don't like cauliflower
W- worst habit: Walking on my toes, biting my fingernails
Y- your favorite food? Bread or Pasta (I'm a carb-aholic)


After posting about my Detroit Tigers withdrawl the team came to my school as part of their Winter Caravan.

I just thought I would go to the event, see them up on stage, talk to a few students, snap a few pictures and leave. That notion turned out to be completely wrong.

A day or so after I found out about the event, I got a call from the University Marketing department saying there would be a brief "press conference" for any media before the event started.

So I prepared a few questions, thinking I would only get to ask one, maybe two, question, and set out to the "press conference."

The players, coaches and commentators came into the room and instead of taking their seats at the front table they stayed standing and mingled among the press.

Yes, I got ONE-ON-ONE INTERVIEWS with a plethora of Tigers players.

It was so exciting. I was extremely nervous at first, but after the first one-on-one I got in the swing of things and started asking really good questions and really interacting with them.

I'm really excited to sit down and write the story, it was a great event and just the fix I needed to last me until Spring Training.

Now, I usually don't do this, but below I've posed a few photos from the event, including a few of myself interviewing a few players. Enjoy.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Myself interviewing former New York Yankee and newly aquired Detroit Tiger Gary Sheffield.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Me interviewing Tigers FSN commentator Mario Impemba.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Me interviewing Detroit Tigers Centerfielder Curtis Granderson.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
AP Photo of Garry Sheffield entering the O'Rena

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
AP Photo of Gary Sheffield being interviewed by some members of the media

Online Dating

I've decided to jump-start my search for a "real man" and a "real relationship" because no one at school or at work has been piquing my interest lately.

Thus, I have decided to renew my subscription to Match.com.

I must say, I'm rather disappointed so far. The first time I tried Match, I instantly receive multiple e-mails and "winks" and people interested. Now, I have only gotten one wink and no response to the two e-mails I sent out.

Have I become more unattractive or less interesting in the last six months? It's entirely possible. Either way, I've decided to extend my search to the online arena, so I'll potentially re-vamp my profile and keep you updated.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Tiger Withdrawal

I am going through HARD CORE Detroit Tigers withdrawal.

For those of you who don't know me or don't know my situation ... I am a HUGE Detroit Tigers fan. I love them more than anything in the world - seriously.

I told my mom the other day that there are three reasons I would want to stay in Michigan to get a job after graduation. First was the Tigers, then came family and friends. Seriously? Seriously.

This summer was the greatest time of my life. We got the 42-game pack of season tickets. I went to 37 - and that included all of the the post-season games too.

The post-season was FRIGGIN amazing. Did you know that MY TIGERS went to the WORLD SERIES??

Oh yeah, that's right, we did.

Anyway, I went to an ASS-LOAD of games at home and then, PURELY by coincidence, I ended up having a conference to go to in St. Louis that had been scheduled 3 months prior, during the time the TIGERS were in town for the World Series. We stayed at the same hotel as the team - also purely by coincidence - and got tickets to Game 4!

It was amazing. One of my best friends - Mr. Inviting - went to all of the festivities with me and we had the best time of my life - literally.

I can't describe in words how much this season kicked ass, and how much fun I had, and how much St. Louis, and everything in general meant to me. It is indescribable.

Now, in mid-January, I am going through HARD CORE TIGER WITHDRAWAL.

I just planned my graduation trip to NY and Boston and, also by pure coincidence, the Tigers will be in Boston during the same time I'm there. So I ordered tickets and they came two days ago.

My mom, who we'll say is pretty much the best mom ever, just re-ordered the 42-game season ticket package, so I'll be able to go to just as many game this season.

I'm really excited for this season. I love my Tigers and I'm going through serious withdrawal.

Oh well -- OH!! Did I mention that the Tigers are stopping my MY SCHOOL as part of their winter caravan trip? Oh yeah, they are -- and that's next Wednesday -- so I'll see them then.

SOOOO EXCITED but SOOOOO jonesing for some Tigs.

The Mc's

I was just looking at my live journal entries from the past (I haven't updated in ions, but I like to go through old entries) and this is what I found:

Seducing a Gemini Women: Gemini women are brilliant, sporty, well-informed, dynamic and pleasant. If you are able to propose to her always something new, you are her ideal man. Since she is free and independent, usually marriage is not the main aim of her life.

HaHa. It's so true. That's me to a T. Or is it "tee." I really have no idea what the expression is or where it comes from...but that's neither here nor there. The passage is exactly like me. There. Over.

This blog post is to make fun of my drunken self.

I recently went out with a friend from high school that I still see occasionally. We offered my little sister $20 to come and pick our drunk asses up after we were done at the bar. She took the offer, so we proceeded to get smashed.

Now, I normally don't get this drunk. I like to get buzzed enough to slightly impair my judgement, but still keep my class and charm.

That didn't happen on this night. I got WASTED. Now, I'm not an annoying or loud or messy drunk. I'm a horny drunk.

So, that led me to hit on the 40-something-year-old drummer of the band and talk about his penis and my vagina. It was fun.

On top of that, me and High School Friend decided to nickname every guy we came in contact with, with a "Mc" then a descriptive factor.

It was H-I-L-A-R-O-U-S.

We came up with McD (for the guy with the olde English D on his hat - my personal favorite because he was obviously a Tiger's fan), McBlue (with the blue shirt), McStriped (striped shirt), McHottie, McGeorgous, McOldie, etc.

Even though I did make a slight fool of myself at the bar that night, it was an overall good time. It was the last night of my freedom - I started school and the newspaper on Monday - and I answered the call for one last drunken, horny drunk.

Oh -- and just so you guys know what a dork I am - even drunk, I'm a journalist. After we left the bar, we stumbled across the parking lot to the 24-hour Ram's Horn diner. On the way in, I had to stop at the row of 6 or 7 newspaper stands to read each and every headline in the entire row in the FREEZING cold. Yeah, I'm a dorky journalist, but I love it!

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Jesus Hates Me

I had the worst New Year's ever.

Seriously? Seriously.

If you know where that little diddy is from, you can probably guess who I spent my New Years with. A few people by the names of Meredith, Izzy, George, Christina, Derek, Alex, Addison, etc.

Yes, I spent the last three days sitting on my ass in front of the TV watching Season Two of Grey's Anatomy. I rented 4 out of 5 of the disks from Blockbuster and sat on my ass doing NOTHING.

I'm so miserable and pathetic. I've never been the kind of person to just sit around for THREE WHOLE DAYS to watch TV and not move off the couch. I feel so useless.

On top of that, I cancelled my plans with my High School friend so that I could stay home with my sister so that she wouldn't be alone. My step-dad got my mom a trip to Las Vegas for a New Year's party at their fave country bar and my sister would have had to stay home alone.

Well, my sister and I got into a fight on New Years Eve Eve (the night before New Years Eve) and she jetted to my dad's house. Therefore, I spent New Year's Eve alone. Watching Grey's Anatomy.

AND...oh and I haven't even gotten to the good part ... Jesus hates me. I went to return the first two disks of the season and to rent the next two and on my way home, Jesus decided to punish me.

I have an iPod that I listen to religiously. It's always on shuffle. For THREE STRAIGHT SONGS, Jesus decided to punish me and made me more miserable than I already felt.

There are three songs that remind me of my Ex. Three and only three. On my way home, for some reason, Jesus decided to let my iPod play these three songs. There were no songs in between them -- just these three songs -- sent from iPod shuffle hell to make me more miserable and pathetic.

On top of that...he didn't call. He always calls on New Year's. Out of all the year's we've been "together" and all the stuff we've went through, we've spent every holiday together except for the "Holiday" - i.e. Christmas and New Years. On Christmas, to feel like we're closer, we've always gone to see the same movie (it's my family tradition to go see a movie on Christmas) and on New Year's he's always called me or texted me on midnight.

He didn't call me this year.

It's really over.

Seriously? Seriously.

Here are the lyrics of one of the songs that played. It's the one that I felt the most connection to when we "officially" broke up a couple months ago. It's called "Better than me" by Hinder. Hinder is one of his favorite bands.

I think you can do much better than me
After all the lies that I made you believe
Guilt kicks in and I start to see
The edge of the bed
Where your nightgown used to be
I told myself I won't miss you
But I remembered What it feels like beside you

I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me

While looking through your old box of notes I found those pictures i took
That you were looking for
If there's one memory I don't want to lose
That time at the mall
You and me in the dressing room

I told myself I won't miss you
But I remembered
What it feels like beside you
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me

The bed I'm lying in is getting colder
Wish I never would've said it's over
And I can't pretend I won't think about you when I'm older
Cause we never really had our closure
This can't be the end

I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me

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